Saturday 12 May 2007


David Olivera said...

Hey Gerard,

Awsome pictures! Your blog is amazing, I am originally from Miami, FL but now live in St.Louis, MO U.S.A heart is set in Arnhem.
It is very bizarre how in love I am with your city, for I have never even visited Europe let alone Arnhem.
I just wish to let you know that you have a great site. Keep it up, its nice to know that there's people who share my same passion about Arnhem and they're not just in my head.

David: St.Louis, MO

David Olivera said...

Hello grard forgive me for not getting in contact with you sooner. My Arnhem blog is as you may already know about the WWII events that took place there.

I am the artist, who wishes to recreate the "oude Arnhem" as one would have seen it at the time.

Thank you for your nice reply.
